What's So Special About the Cookie???

Kellerman Cookies are a soft, thick cookie made with all natural ingredients (butter, eggs, sugar, vanilla, baking powder, flour, salt) and topped with homemade marshmallow fondant. Cookie flavors are simple and delicious: Original Sugar, Chocolate and Lemon. Each is hand decorated. Hope you enjoy my blog, come back often to see our newest creations.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Broken Grandma and Church Auction

Grandma fell and broke her elbow and shoulder last Friday as she was coming up the front steps to her house so she's been in the hospital since, with surgery yesterday and recovering now.  She does love her sweets and hasn't been eating well so I thought a few little flower cookies is just what the doctor ordered.

Trying something new, arranging so you can see all the cookies is tricky.
I'll need to get various size cookie sticks next time.

Flower cookies to help Grandma heal!

Details of the horse cookie Catherine designed.

Wea Rodeo Auction Cookie Bouquet

Our little country church is having it's annual auction and they asked each family to try to donate an item. I hope this cookie bouquet is well-received there.  I've decided that I really don't like working with brown colored fondant, it just isn't pretty but is appropriate for some cookies. 

Next up,  birthday cookies in a bird theme for little Lola who's turning one! Can't wait!

1 comment:

  1. Love the cookies for Grandma! Your cookie baskets are beautiful, can't wait to see the bird ones!
